Three Ways To Cut Through Thick Sheet Metal: Which Will You Choose?

Manufacturing processes offer a wide variety to cut materials that cannot be cut using simple hand tools. For example, a one-inch thick sheet of steel sheet metal is not going to be cut so easily with any sort of saw most people have at home. Instead, it needs to be cut using one of the manufacturing processes listed below. There are at least three ways you could cut this thick piece of sheet metal. Read More 

3 Considerations For Successful Can Packaging

Selecting the right type of packaging for your product can be critical to the profitability of your company. Packaging can contribute to shelf-life, production costs, and consumer appeal. Cans are a viable option for products that need to be shelf-stable. Before you make the decision to package your products in cans, be sure that you take the time to consider the many components that contribute to successful canning so that you will be prepared for the process ahead. Read More