Small Ways To Conserve Oil And Fuel In Your Home And Vehicle

Coal, oil, and natural gas are the most prevalent forms of fossil fuels in use today. These fossil fuels are precious commodities that must be conserved. There are major ways to conserve fossil fuels, and there are also small things you can do in your home and vehicle to conserve these resources. These small things can add up quickly and can save money on your utility bills. Here are a few small ways that you can help conserve fossil fuels: 

Residential Fuel Conservation Tips:

  • Close Windows and Doors - The windows and doors in your home are direct openings to the outside temperature and can easily undermine your conservation efforts. Keep windows and doors closed when using your heater or air conditioner and keep your drapes and curtains closed at night. This will keep cold air out in the winter and hot air out in the summer. 
  • Do Not Heat or Cool Unoccupied Rooms - Close the doors to unoccupied rooms in your residence to reduce heating and cooling them. The less square footage that you heat or cool in your residence, the more fossil fuels you save. 
  • Adjust Your Thermostat - Do not set your thermostat to automatically go on when the ambient air reaches a certain degree. Leave your thermostat at its lowest setting and turn it on and off manually when you absolutely must have heat. 
  • Use Your Air Conditioner Sparingly - Only use your air conditioner for short times during hot days. At sunset, turn your air conditioner off and open your windows to cool your home by the cooler outdoor temperature. When you wake up in the morning, close your windows to retain cool air inside your home. 
  • Cold Wash and Line Dry Your Laundry - Wash your clothes and household linens in liquid, cold-water detergent. Only wash your laundry when you have enough items for a full load because full loads use less electricity. Avoid using a clothes dryer by hanging your laundry to dry on an outdoor clothes line. 
  • Prepare Food On a Clean Stove - Keep your stove and burners clean from grease, oil, and cooking debris as they are more energy efficient when clean. Allow frozen foods to thaw before cooking and use heat efficient cookware with wide bottoms to evenly distribute heat. Use a lid when cooking to retain heat. 

Vehicle Fuel Conservation Tips:

  • Carpool and Use Public Transportation - Whenever possible, carpool with others to save on gasoline and motor oil. Take public transportation often as buses are convenient and save you from putting another vehicle on the road. 
  • Walk and Ride a Bike - When doing errands and traveling short distances, walk or ride a bike and leave your vehicle in the garage. 
  • Drive the Speed Limit - Travel the posted speed limit and do not exceed 55 mph to conserve fossil fuels. 

These small actions will conserve precious oil and fuel resources and save money on your utility bills. Every little bit counts in a conservation effort. If everyone conserves just a little, these little bits will make a big difference.

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